Apa aku salah mengenal diriku??

Bingung aja nih, hasil dari iseng-iseng. Kok bisa ya, intelegensia gue yang dominan itu musik. Padahal gue sama sekali gak bisa maen alat musik (pernah belajar 4 macam alat musik dan bisa memainkannya hanya untuk konsumsi pribadi aja...hehehe)

Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence

Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.
You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.
You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.
Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.


Purple Heart said…
koq sama yach ma gw ndo :)

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